Road users are being urged to use caution around road repair sites, said Fulton Hogan Hiways Paving Manager, Semi Veikoso.
Mr. Veikoso was commenting on the company’s recent night work on Naveiwakau and Daniva road intersection in Valelevu that he said was “identified and set out with road signs urging caution” but were ignored by many motorists.
“This is a location that is used by more than 10,000 cars, buses and heavy vehicles a day and its maintenance is important. Because of its heavy usage that resulted in a deterioration of a 350 square metre section of the road, it required a special asphalt surface that could ensure that it would continue to be structurally sound.”
“Our work took us far into the night and so it was a special concern that some motorists entering the intersection did not slow down, acting as if the Fulton Hogan Hiways team weren’t there, endangering both themselves and our crew.”
Fulton Hogan Hiways is working closely with the Fiji Road Authority to increase motorists’ safety awareness around road worksites according to the company’s General Manager, Bill Caradus.