Former Diplomat for 2014 TISI Sangam Convention

A former High Commissioner for India to Fiji Mr TP Sreenivasan returns to Fiji after 25 years to inaugurate the 2014 TISI Convention during the Easter weekend.

Mr Sreenivasan was the High Commissioner for India during the 1987 coup and the aftermath of political events. He served until 1989 and had to leave the country at the invitation of the then Fiji Government which also resulted in the closure of the Indian High Commission in Fiji for a few years.

After leaving Fiji he served as Head Of Mission for India in many countries and was India’s Permanent Representative to the UN from 2000 to 2004.

During his illustrious career as a diplomat he was also the Governor for India of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Currently he is the Executive Vice Chairman for the Higher Education Commission for the State of Kerala.

Mr Sreenivasan is also an advisor to Asia net-the largest Television Channel in Malayalam language and produces a weekly program on foreign affairs called ” Videsha Vicharan”

In a message to the Secretary General of TISI Sangam Mr Sreenivasan had this to say –

“I cannot believe that I have been invited to Fiji, which I left in 1989 after a memorable diplomatic assignment. To have friends there, who remember me, a quarter of a century later, is a rare privilege indeed. I have served in several other countries before and after my sojourn in Fiji, but none has remembered me so fondly as the friends I left behind in this distant island.”

The Annual Sangam Convention will be celebrated during the Easter weekend at Lawaqa Park in Nadroga and the or nisers expect a large turnout over the four days of sports and social events.



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