

Appropriate early intervention in anticipation of a severe dry weather conditions is a priority.

These were the comments by the Director National Disaster Management, Mr Akapusi Tuifagalele, following the drought committee meeting that was held today at the National Disaster Management Office.

Mr Tuifagalele said that the meeting is to update the different agencies of government and partners on the current dry spell.

“Rainfall prediction models have calculated as below average in the near future so coordination efforts is important especially in the rural and maritime areas,” Mr Tuifagalele emphasized.

He further stated that the current dry spell has been affecting the Yasawa Group, part of the Western Viti Levu and parts of the Northern Division have dried up water sources particularly for settlements, villages and nursing stations that are reliant on rural water supply, roof catchment and boreholes.

“The Divisional Commissioners have continued to respond to the request for emergency water from rural communities,” Mr Tuifagalele said.

Commissioner Northern Division, Mr Jovesa Vocea informed the committee that the emergency taskforce has been activated in the Division with emergency water carted to about 65 settlements in the Macuata area.

“We are advising the public to conserve water and use water wisely as below average rainfall has been predicted in the near future.

“We are also calling on the public not to avoid lighting fires unnecessarily  because of its harmful effects,” Mr Tuifagalele said

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