The Health Ministry has welcomed a delegation organised by the Trade Mission of Taiwan, to assist improve Fiji’s mental health sector.

Government through the Ministry of Health is working towards improving mental health services around the country with increased awareness and decentralised services at divisional hospitals.

The six-member team from Taiwan visited the Health Ministry this week to look at providing assistance at health facilities that provide mental health services. This includes improving rehabilitation services such as the development of a farm where patients can spend time in the farm and earn income.

Fiji’s National Advisor for Mental Health, Dr Jane Andrews said the ministry is trying to improve mental health services provided including community mental health services.

“We are looking at improving from the community level. St. Giles has been decentralised so that divisional hospitals can also treat patients with mental illness. We have trained 45 nurses in mental health care and a good percentage is working in centres around the country,” Dr Andrews said.

This year’s national budget allocation for mental health is $100,000. The ministry is planning to establish a regional mental health institute in the near future.


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